Outside Scholarships
Many agencies, employers, military, and service organizations award funds to students. Receipt of these external awards may result in a reduction of Need-Based Federal Aid and Institutional Scholarships from Mercer. Therefore, if you are a financial aid recipient, you must notify the Office of Student Financial Planning, in writing, of any resources you anticipate receiving from sources other than Mercer. To the extent possible, we will adjust loan awards before reducing grant funds.
We encourage all students to apply for scholarships and grant funds each year!

Mercer University students can now match to more than 15,000 scholarship opportunities in one place! Scholarship Universe is an easy way to see what scholarship you could qualify for just by answering some questions. Login today using your MyMercer username and password to start matching to scholarships today!
Students must notify the Office of Student Financial Planning of any special instructions or billing information regarding external funds. All checks for these awards must be sent to the Office of Student Financial Planning. It is Mercer’s policy to equally divide external scholarships between fall tuition and spring tuition each semester unless otherwise specified by the donor.