2024 — 2025 Estimated Cost of Attendance

Tuition Rate: $1103.09/credit hour

Cost of attendance (COA) is the estimated cost to attend college for one academic year. The U.S. Department of Education requires all colleges and universities to provide a COA that includes both estimated direct and indirect costs.

Direct costs are charges billed by the institution and indirect costs are other costs students may incur during their period of enrollment.

The COA for ABSN undergraduate students Based on full-time enrollment in two semesters. Students enrolling in a single semester will have a prorated cost of attendance.

Estimated Direct Costs Total Fall & Spring
Tuition* $40,262.79
Fees** $1,870
Total Estimated Annual Direct Costs $42,132.79


*Mercer University’s Board of Trustees sets the annual tuition rate which typically increases 2–3% each academic year.

**Miscellaneous fees possible:

  • ABSN Nursing fee: $785/Semester
  • Undergraduate Facility and Tech Fee (enrolled 12 hours or more): $150/semester
  • Undergraduate Facility and Tech Fee (enrolled 11 hours or less): $12.50/hour
Estimated Indirect Costs Total Fall & Spring
Housing*** $12,576
Food*** $4,136
Books, course materials, supplies, and equipment $2,409
Transportation/Travel $3,488
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses $1,888
Average Federal Loan Fees $85
Total Estimated Annual Indirect Costs $24,582


Total Estimated Annual Cost of Attendance


***For students living on campus, housing and food expenses become direct costs and will not be reflected in their billing statement.

Dependent students living at home with parents have reduced estimated costs for housing of $350/month.

Estimated Optional Direct Costs

  • Student Health Insurance: Students who do not have documented private health insurance will have an additional direct cost of $1,246/semester (the rate is based on the age of the student) added to their billing statement. This direct cost may be added to the total estimated annual cost of attendance for those students who do not complete the health insurance waiver.